Planning for Your Move

Moving - Summer Months are The Busiest

According to the American Moving and Storage Association, the summer months are the busiest time of the year for movers.

In addition, the beginning and end of each month are traditionally busier than mid-month, regardless of the season. If you are planning to move during one of these times, plan well in advance so your mover’s schedule will fit yours.

Keep in mind that if you plan to move during the busy summer months, moving companies often have to bring in temporary help, which can be a negative if these workers are not as experienced.

The best option is to avoid moving during the movers’ peak season – you’ll save money and experience a better move. In addition, if you have a choice, schedule your move in the morning rather than the afternoon for moves that take less than a full day to complete.

The crew will be fresher, and you’ll have more hours of daylight to complete the move, if you need them. Likewise, early to mid-week is usually less busy than Friday for local movers’ schedules. If they can’t move on a Saturday, many people choose a Friday moving date so they can have the benefit of the weekend to get moved in.

Get started by contacting the movers on your list. Inform them of your destination and the timing of your move. Ask movers to provide you with a written estimate and have them explain the services listed in the estimate in detail. Carefully compare each estimate to see which company best suits your needs and budget.

Moving - Preparing Your Family

While your moving company has probably supplied you with a preparation kit of good ideas for packing and moving, perhaps the most important aspect of moving is preparing your family for what’s ahead. Moving can be stressful, so it’s important to involve family members in the process and be there to calm their concerns. Moving experts suggest these winning strategies to help family members.

Provide - enough adjustment time

Everyone likes adequate warning about major upcoming events. Give your family time to adjust to the idea of moving and understand what to expect before, during and after your move. The more structure you can provide to them, the easier the move will be.

Maintain - a positive attitude

Setting a positive example and showing enthusiasm about the move will rub off on your family. Remind the family about what they can look forward to and the benefits that lie ahead.

Children - need special TLC

Anticipate that your children will be nervous and upset about an upcoming move. Spend time with them to learn what causes the most concern and be prepared to respond with answers that provide comfort.

It’s not unusual for children to be upset about leaving their friends and the community. Let them know they can still be in touch with friends by phone, e-mail and social network sites. If applicable, share your own personal moving stories and what you experienced.

Childern - Involve with the move

One way to help ease your children’s concerns about what’s ahead is to include them in the move. Providing them with a sense of control can ease the transition.

They can help sort their belongings before the move to determine what can be tossed and what stays. If you’re planning a garage sale, let them participate. When it’s time to prepare for the movers, let your children help with the packing.

Packing - Crucial To a Good Move

Proper packing by a trained packer using specially designed cartons and materials is crucial to a good move. Schedule packing with the mover a day or two before the moving van is loaded.

If you are packing yourself, it is never too soon to start. While packing yourself can save money, movers will not usually accept liability for damage to items packed by owners. Be present when your goods are packed. An inventory of your goods will be made and it is important to resolve any disagreements prior to signing the inventory.

Make sure all copies are legible and all items are numbered. Have valuable items listed separately. Some appliances may require servicing prior to the move. Your mover can schedule these services for you. Your mover may ask you to select several consecutive days during which your goods can be loaded and a second series of dates during which your goods can be delivered to your new home.

A spread of days gives you and your mover the flexibility needed to keep your move on schedule. Remember that summer months are the busiest, and some movers offer lower prices between the months of October and April.

Kathleen Shippen  Home Connect America, Real Estate, Las Vegas, NV