Clark County School District

In order to prepare students and parents for success, CCSD provides detailed curriculum overviews for elementary grades K-2; elementary grades 3-5; middle school grades 6-8; and high school grades 9-12.

As the fifth largest school district in the United States, the Clark County School District (CCSD) encompasses all of Clark County, which covers 7,910 square miles and includes the metropolitan Las Vegas area, all outlying communities and rural areas. Under state law, each of Nevada’s 17 counties has one school district responsible for K-12 education. Visit their website at

You can do a School Zone Search by clicking here.


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2011-2012 Report Card »

Regularly-published school accountability reports contain detailed information about each school in Nevada. These reports are prepared annually in compliance with the federal No Child Left Behind Act, which requires all Nevada school districts to inform citizens about the performance of local...

Additional Programs »

There are several additional programs, such as Special Education and Accelerated Education, which your child will benefit from when you move to Las Vegas. There are also outside resources employed by the school system.

Parent Involvement »

The Clark County School District encourages parents to be involved in their children’s education. The district understands that some parents have the time available to volunteer in a classroom or serve on committees; while others have more limited opportunities. Being involved in your children’s...

ParentLink® »

ParentLink is a computer based tool that allows parents greater access to their child’s progress as well as to contact school staff via e-mail or voice message. ParentLink can be utilized both online and by telephone and is available in English and Spanish for grades K through 12.

Cap initiative
The CAP Initiative »

Whether you are a parent of school-aged children, an elementary school teacher or a high school principal, you share in the goal of seeing every CCSD student in a cap and gown on graduation day. In aneffort to help meet that goal beginning in the 2007-2008 school yearthenSuperintendent Walt...

Kathleen Shippen  Home Connect America, Real Estate, Las Vegas, NV